Prof. Eeshan Kalita
Room #MBB1,
Department of Molecular Biology & Biotechnology
Assam Type Campus, Cotton University
Panbazar, Guwahati-781001
Assam, India

Academic Qualifications
BSc (Zoology Hons), Gauhati University, Guwahati
MSc (Molecular Biology & Biotechnology) Tezpur University, Tezpur.
PhD (Biotechnology) NIPGR, New Delhi and GU.
Positions Held
Dean , Students' Welfare, Cotton University : December 2024-Till Date
Professor, Department of Molecular Biology & Biotechnology, Cotton University : September 2023-Till date
Coordinator DBT, Govt. of India sponsored PG Program, M.Sc. MBBT
Coordinator IPR Cell, Cotton University: November 2021- till Date
Head, Department of Molecular Biology & Biotechnology, Cotton University
Associate Professor, Department of Molecular Biology & Biotechnology, Cotton University: January 2021-September 2023
Assistant Professor, Stage-III, Department of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, Tezpur University: August 2019-January 2021
Assistant Professor, Stage II, Department of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, Tezpur University: August 2014 - August 2019
Visiting Scientist (2016-17) Prof. Robert A. Field's Laboratory, Department of Biological Chemistry, John Innes Centre, Norwich, United Kingdom. (DBT-Overseas Associate)
Assistant Professor Stage-I/Lecturer, Department of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, Tezpur University : September 2007-August 2014
Research Areas
Environmental Engineering
Plant-microbe-environment interactions
Selected for month long trainer's training at Erasmus+ Sponsored AdaptNET Workshops on Climate Change Mitigation at University of Milan, Italy; Marche Polytechnic University, Ancona, Italy; Navarino Environmental Observatory, Greece and The International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics, India from 20 January - 15 February, 2020
MOE, Govt. of India-STARS Project Award, 2019.
Travel Bursary for an Invited talk at IBCarb sponsored UK & Latin America workshop : Glycobiotechnology Tools for Human Health, at the University of Manchester, 2-3, May 2017.
Travel bursary for Poster Presentation at “Glycoscience Symposium” organized by The Glycobiology Training, Research and Infrastructure Centre (GlycoTRIC), Imperial College, London, UK, April 4, 2017.
DBT Overseas Associateship for visiting John Innes Centre, UK (2016-2017)
Department of Biotechnology, Govt. of India Scholarship for M.Sc in MBBT, Tezpur University
NEC Merit Scholarship for PG Studies (not availed)
Grants Received
◆ Tezpur University Start-up Research Grant (as PI)
Sanctioned amount: ₹ 1.5 Lakh
◆ Multifunctional hybrid nanosystems for molecular imaging applications (as Co-PI)
Duration: Three years (2009-2013)
Funding Agency: DBT, Govt. of India
Sanctioned amount: ₹ 356.09 Lakh
◆GIS modeling based impact assessment of groundwater arsenic contamination in Brahmaputra basin and development of a remediation strategy using endemic lignocellulosic agrowaste based nanobiosorbants. (as PI)
Duration: Three years (2012-2015 )
Funding Agency: DBT, Govt. of India
Sanctioned amount: ₹ 95.7 Lakh
◆ Development of nanomaterial based dual mode contrast agent and their surface mediated conjugation study from first principles. (as Co-PI)
Duration: Three years (2013-2016)
Funding Agency: DBT, Govt. of India
Sanctioned amount: ₹ 122.2 Lakh
◆ Identification, isolation and characterization of Exobasidium vexans strains and their pathogenic determinants/effectors, form Blister blight infested tea plantations of Assam and development of a future road-map for effective management practices (as PI)
Duration: Three years (2015-2017)
Funding Agency: DBT, Govt. of India
Sanctioned amount: ₹ 90.2 Lakh (TU Share: ₹ 52.46 Lakh)
◆ Biorefinery approach for generation of platform chemicals and bioethanol from indigenous lignocellulosic agrowaste and algal bioresources (PI)
Duration: Three years (2017-2020)
Funding Agency: DBT, Govt. of India
Sanctioned amount: ₹ 69.6 Lakh (TU Share: ₹ 41.87 Lakh)
◆Strengthening education, research and innovation for climate-smart crops in India (AdaptNet ) (as Co-PI)
Duration: Three years (2019-2021)
Funding Agency: Erasmus+ programme for Higher Education - International Capacity Building, EU
Sanctioned amount: € 3,07372.00 (TU Share: Euro 105428.75)
◆Multi-Crop Residue Processing Technology Package for Production of Fuel and Fertilizer (Under IMPRINT-IIC.1 programme) (as Co-PI)
Duration: Three years (2019-2021)
Funding Agency: SERB, DST, Govt. of India
Sanctioned Amount: ₹ 1,40,78592
◆ Optimization of nanocatalysts for sustainable conversion of food wastes into value added products ( Scheme for Transformational and Advanced Research in Sciences [STARS], Ministry of Human Resource Development, [MHRD, Govt. of India], Implemented by Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore. (as PI)
Duration: Three years (2020-2024)
Funding Agency: Ministry of Education, Govt. of India (Formerly MHRD)
Sanctioned Amount: ₹ 53.8 Lakh
◆ Study of the functional diversity and community dynamics of earthworm gut microbiota in heavy metal contaminated agricultural soils under Science & Engineering Research Board (SERB) State University Research Excellence (SERB SURE) Scheme (as Co-PI)
Duration: Three years (2023-2026)
Funding Agency: Anusandhan National Research Foundation (ANRF) formerly Science & Engineering
Research Board (SERB) State University Research Excellence (SERB SURE) Scheme
Sanctioned Amount: ₹ 28.347 Lakh
◆ Department of Biotechnology, Govt. of India sponsored Post Graduate Program in Biotechnology,
2023 Onwards: (as Program Coordinator)